Data Dictionary v1

Table of contents
  1. File Tree
  2. Entity Relationship Diagram
  3. Patient
  4. ECG Waveforms
    1. Long Leads - 100 Hz
    2. All Leads - 500 Hz
  5. ECG Metadata
  6. Emergency Department Encounters

Dataset Changes

v1.0.1 Changes (Mar 2024)
  • The 12 “short” leads were added to the dataset with a sample rate fo 500 Hz.
  • The 3 “long” leads with a sample rate of 500 Hz were added.

File Tree

└── ed-bwh-ecg
    └── v1
        ├── ecg-ed-enc.csv
        ├── ecg-metadata.csv
        ├── ecg-npy-index.csv
        ├── ed-encounter.csv
        ├── ecg-waveform.h5
        ├── ecg-waveform.npy
        └── patient.csv

Entity Relationship Diagram

        string patient_ngsci_id PK
        string demographics
        string ecg_id PK
        string patient_ngsci_id FK
        string data
        string ecg_id PK,FK
        int npy_index
        string enc_id PK
        string patient_ngsci_id FK
        string data
    ECG-ED-ENC {
        string ecg_id PK,FK
        string enc_id FK

    PATIENT ||--|{ ECG-METADATA : patient_ngsci_id
    PATIENT ||--|{ ED-ENCOUNTER : patient_ngsci_id
    ECG-METADATA ||--|| ECG-NPY-INDEX : ecg_id
    ECG-METADATA ||--o| ECG-ED-ENC : ecg_id
    ED-ENCOUNTER ||--|{ ECG-ED-ENC : enc_id
    ECG-NPY-INDEX ||--|| ECG-WAVEFORM : npy_index
Entity Relationship Diagram


patient.csv contains patient

Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique patient identifier
Pattern: pat{8 digit hex}
string pat089c033f
sex Patient Sex string Female
black Patient Race/Ethnicity - The patient will only have 1 in one of the categories.

int 1
hispanic int 0
white int 0
other int 0
agi_under_25k Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) distributions from block-level census data based on patient address

float 0.36921
agi_25k_to_50k float 0.28902
agi_50k_to_75k float 0.15070
agi_75k_to_100k float 0.07804
agi_100k_to_200k float 0.09849
agi_above_200k float 0.01453
  • Rows: 44,713
  • Columns: 12

ECG Waveforms

The ECGs for this dataset were collected as PDF files. The waveforms were visibly rendered on the PDF files and needed to be processed in order to be converted into numeric form. The images appeared as in Figure 2.

Sample 12 Lead ECG

Long Leads - 100 Hz

The waveforms for leads V1, II, and V5 were smoothed with a rolling average and the sample rate was reduced to 100 Hz. The time duration for these leads is 10 seconds.


Column Name Description Data Type Example
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier
Pattern: ecg{10 digit hex}
string ecg3df45120a4
npy_index Index of the NumPy array int 523
  • Rows: 112,900
  • Columns: 2

ecg-waveform.npy and ecg-waveform.h5

Shape: (112900, 3, 1000)

All Leads - 500 Hz

datasets/ed-bwh-ecg/v1/ecg-waveforms-npz/{first two digits of ecg_id}/{ecd_id}.npz

We have also included the numeric waveforms for all leads. These waveforms have a sample rate of 500 Hz.

The waveforms are stored as compressed NumPy files. There is a separate file for each ECG, with the ECG ID in the file name. The array contained in each file has the dimensions of 15 x 5000. The first 12 rows are the waveforms for the 12 leads. However, each of these leads only have a duration of about 2.5 seconds. As seen in Figure 2, leads I, II, and III are measured for the first 2.5 seconds. Leads aVR, aVL, and aVF are measured for the second 2.5 seconds. Leads V1, V2, and V3 are measured for the third 2.5 seconds. And leads V4, V5, and V6 are measured for the last 2.5 seconds. Not seen in Figure 2, leads V1, II, and V5 are measured for the full 10 seconds. Those represent the last 3 rows of the array.

A notebook interacting with these files can be seen on the platform here datasets/ed-bwh-ecg/supplementary/notebooks/accessing-waveforms.ipynb

ECG Metadata

Date Shift

Dates in this dataset have been shifted by a random amount for each patient. This is done to create anonymity while preserving the temporal relationship between events for patients.


Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique patient identifier
Pattern: pat{8 digit hex}
string pat089c033f
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier
Pattern: ecg{10 digit hex}
string ecg3df45120a4
date Shifted date and time of the ECG string 2110-07-29T11:27:56Z
p-r-t_axes P-R-T axes string 52 9 27
p_axes P axes int 52
r_axes R axes int 9
t_axes T axes int 27
pr_interval PR interval int 176
pr_interval_units PR interval units string ms
qrs_duration QRS duration int 74
qrs_duration_units QRS duration units string ms
qtqtc QTQTc string 432/413 ms
qt_interval QT interval int 432
qt_interval_units QT interval units string ms
qtc_interval QTc interval int 413
qtc_interval_units QTc interval units string ms
vent_rate Vent rate int 55
vent_rate_units Vent rate units string BPM
has_bbb Flags for whether search terms were present in the cardiology remarks

int 0
has_afib int 0
has_st int 0
has_pacemaker int 0
has_lvh int 0
has_normal int 1
has_normal_ecg int 1
has_normal_sinus int 0
has_depress int 0
has_st_eleva int 0
has_twave int 0
has_aberran_bbb int 0
has_jpoint_repol int 0
has_jpoint_eleva int 0
has_twave_inver int 0
has_twave_abnormal int 0
has_nonspecific int 0
has_rhythm_disturbance int 0
has_prolonged_qt int 0
has_lead_reversal int 0
has_poor_or_quality int 0
  • Rows: 112,900
  • Columns: 39

Columns with names that start with has_ indicate whether certain search terms were present in the cardiology remarks. Below are the search terms each flag label.

Column Name Regex Search Terms
has_bbb bbb or bundle\s+branch\s+block
has_afib atrial\s+flutter or atrial\s+fibrillation
has_st st\s+
has_pacemaker pacemaker or paced
has_lvh lvh or ventricular\s+hypertrophy
has_normal (normal\s+sinus\s+rhythm and not abnormal\s+sinus\s+rhythm)
or (normal\s+ecg and not abnormal+ecg)
has_normal_ecg normal\s+ecg and not abnormal\s+ecg
has_normal_sinus normal\s+sinus\s+rhythm and not abnormal\s+sinus\s+rhythm
has_depress st\s*\w*\s*depress
has_st_eleva st\s*\w*\s*eleva
has_twave t.wave
has_aberran_bbb bbb or bundle\s+branch\s+block or aberran
has_jpoint_repol j\s+point or early repol
has_jpoint_eleva st\s*\w*\s*eleva or j\s+point or early repol
has_twave_inver t.wave and inter
has_twave_abnormal t.wave.abnormal
has_nonspecific nonspecific
has_rhythm_disturbance premature (atrial|ventricular)|PAC|PVC or aberran or intraventricular conduction or ectop or arrythmia or junctional or fusion complex or a-v|atrioventricular
has_prolonged_qt prolonged qt
has_lead_reversal lead reversal
has_poor_or_quality poor or quality

Emergency Department Encounters

Date Shift

Dates in this dataset have been shifted by a random amount for each patient. This is done to create anonymity while preserving the temporal relationship between events for patients.


Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique patient identifier
Pattern: pat{8 digit hex}
string pat089c033f
ed_enc_id Unique ED encounter identifier
Pattern: enc{8 digit hex}
string enc5ba023af
start_datetime Shifted start of the date and time of the ED encounter string 2110-07-29T11:06:00Z
end_datetime Shifted end of the date and time of the ED encounter string 2110-07-29T12:31:00Z
age_at_admit Patient age int 75
macetrop_030_pos Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) & pos troponin in 30 days after visit bool FALSE
death_030_day Death in 30 days after visit - This variable comes from Social Security Death Index data, so it captures both death in and out of the hospital. bool FALSE
macetrop_pos_or_death_030 Adverse Events (30days) bool FALSE
stent_010_day Stent within 10 days after visit bool FALSE
cabg_010_day Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) within 10 days after visit bool FALSE
stent_or_cabg_010_day Stent or CABG within 10 days bool FALSE
ami_day_of Acute myocardial infarction “heart attack” day of visit days_to_ami == 0 bool FALSE
days_to_ami Number or days to soonest AMI, missing if no AMI int 5
maxtrop_sameday Max troponin lab results on day of visit float 0.25
tn_group_sameday Categorized maxtrop_sameday into following bins
- missing
- 0
- (0-0.05]
- (0.05-0.1]
- (0.1-05]
- >0.5
string (0.1,0.5]
disch_disp Discharge code string a
disch_obs Flag for whether patient is dispatched to observation (disch_disp == e | disch_disp == edobs) bool FALSE
test_010_day Stress test or cath test within 10 days after visit bool FALSE
stress_010_day Stress testing (10days) bool FALSE
cath_010_day Catheterization (10days) bool FALSE
days_to_stress Days to earliest stress test int 1
days_to_cath Days to earliest catheterization test int 2
first_test Whether earliest test is stress or cath; if they have both we generally assume first test is stress even if this doesn’t seem true by timestamps string cath
excl_flag_c_int Flag for cardiac intervention in previous 30d bool FALSE
excl_flag_chronic Flag for chronic illness bool FALSE
excl_flag_death Flag for discharge = death bool FALSE
exclude_modeling Exclusion flag for training models = (excl_flag_c_int | excl_flag_chronic | excl_flag_death | (ami_day_of & !test_010_day)) bool FALSE
exclude Exclusion flag for analysis = (exclude_modeling | age_at_admit >= 80 | (!test_010_day & maxtrop_sameday > 0)) bool FALSE
  • Rows: 71,460
  • Columns: 29


Column Name Description Data Type Example
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier
Pattern: ecg{10 digit hex}
string ecg3df45120a4
ed_enc_id Unique ED encounter identifier
Pattern: enc{8 digit hex}
string enc5ba023af
  • Rows: 103,952
  • Columns: 2

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