Data dictionary v1.0.1

Table of contents
  1. File tree
  2. Study group
    1. Study group cohort
    2. Study group comorbidities
    3. Study group ECG description
    4. Outcomes for patients with return of spontaneous circulation
  3. Control group
    1. Control group ECG and cohort table
  4. ECG waveform tables and arrays
    1. Waveform index for arrays
    2. NumPy arrays for median waveform
    3. NumPy arrays for rhythm waveform
    4. Waveform attribute table
  5. ECG metadata
    1. Amplitude measurements
    2. Diagnosis
    3. Interval measurements
    4. Lead data
    5. Measurement matrix global
    6. Measurement matrix per lead bitflg
    7. Measurement matrix per lead
    8. Measurement matrix per lead definitions
    9. Muse info
    10. Original diagnosis
    11. Original resting ECG measurements
    12. Pharma data
    13. QRS times types
    14. QRS times types QRS
    15. Resting ECG measurements

Dataset Changes

File structure reorganization (June 2022)
  1. Waveform files were moved out of ecg-metadata and into ecg-waveform.
    .../ecg-metadata/waveform* -> .../ecg-waveform/waveform*
  2. Control group cohort.csv and ecg.csv were joined and concatenated between years. .../control-group/{year}/cohort.csv & .../control-group/{year}/ecg.csv -> .../control-group/ecg-cohort.csv
  3. Typos were fixed in the columns of rosc-outcomes.csv. icd_discharge_datetime_offset -> icu_discharge_datetime_offset
    icd_discharge_datetime_is_weekend -> icu_discharge_datetime_is_weekend

File Tree Changes

└── arrest-ntuh-ecg
   ├── control-group
+  │   ├── ecg-cohort.csv
   │   ├── 2015 (same changes for all years)
-  │   │   ├── cohort.csv
   │   │   ├── control (same changes for control and pre)
   │   │   │   └── ecg-metadata
   │   │   │       ├── diagnosis.csv
   │   │   │       ├── lead-data.csv
   │   │   │       ├── measurement-matrix-global.csv
   │   │   │       ├── measurement-matrix-per-lead-bitflg.csv
   │   │   │       ├── measurement-matrix-per-lead.csv
   │   │   │       ├── measurement-matrix-per-lead-definitions.csv
   │   │   │       ├── muse-info.csv
   │   │   │       ├── original-diagnosis.csv
   │   │   │       ├── original-resting-ecg-measurements.csv
   │   │   │       ├── pharma-data.csv
   │   │   │       ├── qrs-times-types.csv
   │   │   │       ├── qrs-times-types-qrs.csv
   │   │   │       ├── resting-ecg-measurements.csv
-  │   │   │       ├── waveform.csv
-  │   │   │       ├── waveform-median.npy
-  │   │   │       ├── waveform-npy.csv
-  │   │   │       └── waveform-rhythm.npy
+  │   │   │   └── ecg-waveforms
+  │   │   │       ├── waveform.csv
+  │   │   │       ├── waveform-median.npy
+  │   │   │       ├── waveform-npy.csv
+  │   │   │       └── waveform-rhythm.npy
-  │   │   ├── ecg.csv
   │   │   └── pre
   │   │       └── ... 
   │   ├── 2016
   │   │   └── ...     
   │   ├── 2017
   │   │   └── ...
   │   ├── 2018
   │   │   └── ...
   │   └── 2019
   │       └── ...
   └── study-group
       ├── cohort.csv
       ├── comorbidities.csv
       ├── ecg.csv
       ├── ecg-metadata
       │   ├── amplitude-measurements.csv
       │   ├── diagnosis.csv
       │   ├── interval-measurements.csv
       │   ├── lead-data.csv
       │   ├── measurement-matrix-global.csv
       │   ├── measurement-matrix-per-lead-bitflg.csv
       │   ├── measurement-matrix-per-lead.csv
       │   ├── measurement-matrix-per-lead-definitions.csv
       │   ├── muse-info.csv
       │   ├── original-diagnosis.csv
       │   ├── original-resting-ecg-measurements.csv
       │   ├── pharma-data.csv
       │   ├── qrs-times-types.csv
       │   ├── qrs-times-types-qrs.csv
       │   ├── resting-ecg-measurements.csv
-      │   ├── waveform.csv
-      │   ├── waveform-median.npy
-      │   ├── waveform-npy.csv
-      │   └── waveform-rhythm.npy
+      ├── ecg-waveforms
+      │   ├── waveform.csv
+      │   ├── waveform-median.npy
+      │   ├── waveform-npy.csv
+      │   └── waveform-rhythm.npy
       └── rosc-outcomes.csv


The dates in this dataset have been shifted by a random number of days. Also, they have been shifted distantly into the future to make it clear that these are not the actual dates. All dates for a patient have been shifted by the same amount in order to preserve the time duration between events.

File tree

└── arrest-ntuh-ecg
    └── v1
        ├── control-group
        │   ├── ecg-cohort.csv
        │   ├── 2015
        │   │   ├── control
        │   │   │   ├── ecg-metadata
        │   │   │   │   └── ...
        │   │   │   └── ecg-waveforms    
        │   │   │       ├── waveform.csv
        │   │   │       ├── waveform-median.npy
        │   │   │       ├── waveform-npy.csv
        │   │   │       └── waveform-rhythm.npy
        │   │   └── pre
        │   │       ├── ecg-metadata
        │   │       │   └── ...
        │   │       └── ecg-waveforms      
        │   │           └── ...
        │   ...
        └── study-group
            ├── cohort.csv
            ├── comorbidities.csv
            ├── ecg.csv
            ├── ecg-metadata
            │   └── ...
            ├── ecg-waveforms
            │   ├── waveform.csv
            │   ├── waveform-median.npy
            │   ├── waveform-npy.csv
            │   └── waveform-rhythm.npy
            └── rosc-outcomes.csv

The files are organized into two folders, study-group and control-group. The control-group is divided by year and further more into control and pre. The control folder contains the ECGs and ECG metadata for ECGs that were administered on days corresponding with ECGs from the study-group. The pre folder contains ECGs and ECG metadata for ECGs for control patients that were administered prior to that indexing date. Not all control patients have a pre ECG.

Study group

The study group contains the ECGs of the patients whose hearts restarted after cardiac arrest [return of spontaneous circulation, ROSC].

Patient 101298 is found in year groups 2015-16 and 2017. The dates have been shifted by different amounts for each of those year groups.

Study group cohort

Name Description Sample
patient_ngsci_id Unique patient identifier 100001
year Year of ECG
Cases in 2011-14 are identified in a range
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
sex Sex of patient female
age Age of patient 77
birthday_offset De-identified patient date of birth 2038-01-17
birthday_weekend Whether the true patient birthday is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) 0
rosc_datetime_offset De-identified time of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) 2115-11-22 06:52:00
rosc_datetime_is_weekend Whether return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) 0

Study group comorbidities

Name Description Sample
patient_ngsci_id Unique patient identifier 100001
year Year of ECG
Cases in 2011-14 are identified in a range
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
dm Whether patient has diabetes 1
htn Whether patient has hypertension 1
cad Whether patient has coronary artery disease 0
hf Whether patient has heart failure 0
arrhythmia Whether patient has arrhythmia 0
copd_asthma Whether patient has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease asthma 0
esrd Whether patient has end-stage renal disease 0
cva Whether patient has cerebral vascular disease 0

Study group ECG description

Name Description Sample
patient_ngsci_id Unique patient identifier 100001
year Year of ECG
Cases in 2011-14 are identified in a range
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
acquisition_datetime_offset De-identified ECG acquisition datetime 2115-11-22 06:57:00
acquisition_datetime_is_weekend Whether the true ECG acquisition datetime is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) 0
ecg_timetag Time classification of ECG relative to return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC).
- [0]pre
- [1]ROSC
- [2]24hr post-ROSC
rosc Whether patient has return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) 1

Outcomes for patients with return of spontaneous circulation

Name Description Sample
patient_ngsci_id Unique patient identifier 100001
year Year of ECG
Cases in 2011-14 are identified in a range
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
pre_arrest_cpc Patient’s cerebral performance category (CPC) before cardiac arrest.
- [1]Good cerebral capability
- [2]Moderate cerebral disability
- [3]Severe cerebral disability
- [4]Coma
- [5]Brain death
[1]Good cerebral capability
hospitalization_datetime_offset De-identified date of ED visit 2115/11/21 17:17
hospitalization_datetime_is_weekend Whether the true ED visit is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) 0
location_of_cardiac_arrest Location of cardiac arrest
- OHCA: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
- IHCA: In-hospital cardiac arrest
- Other: Other cardiac arrest location
cause_of_cardiac_arrest Cause of cardiac arrest.
- cardiac event
- respiratory event
- infectious event
- GI bleeding
- neurology
- others
- unknown
cardiac event
call_for_help_datetime_offset De-identified time of call for help 2115-11-22 06:47:00
call_for_help_datetime_is_weekend Whether the call for help is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) 0
witnessed_collapse Whether patient collapse was witnessed 1
initial_rhythm Initial ECG rhythm.
- asystole
- PEA pulseless electrical activity
- others; include pacemaker rhythm
epinerphine_dose Dose of epinephrine in mg 2
dc_shock Whether direct current (DC) shock was delivered to patient 0
number_of_dc_shocks Number of direct current (DC) shocks delivered to patient 0
therapeutic_hypothermia Whether patient has therapeutic hypothermia 0
ecmo Whether patient has extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 1
pci Whether patient has percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in early post-cardiac arrest period 0
cpr_duration Duration of CPR 5
cpr_start_datetime_offset De-identified time of starting CPR 2115-11-22 06:47:00
cpr_start_datetime_is_weekend Whether CPR is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) 0
icu_admission Whether patient had intensive care unit (ICU) admission 1
icu_discharge_survival Whether patient is alive at ICU discharge 1
icu_discharge_gcs Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score at ICU discharge E4M5V5
icu_discharge_total_gcs Total Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score at ICU discharge 14
icu_discharge_cpc Patient’s cerebral performance category (CPC) at ICU discharge
- [1]Good cerebral capability
- [2]Moderate cerebral disability
- [3]Severe cerebral disability
- [4]Coma
- [5]Brain death
[1]Good cerebral capability
icu_discharge_datetime_offset De-identified time of intensive care unit (ICU) discharge 2115-11-30 11:15:00
icu_discharge_datetime_is_weekend Whether the ICU discharge is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) 0
hospital_discharge_survival Whether patient is alive at hospital discharge 1
hospital_discharge_gcs Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score at hospital discharge E4M5V5
hospital_discharge_total_gcs Total Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score at hospital discharge 14
hospital_discharge_cpc Patient’s cerebral performance category at hospital discharge.
- [1]Good cerebral capability
- [2]Moderate cerebral disability
- [3]Severe cerebral disability
- [4]Coma
- [5]Brain death
[1]Good cerebral capability
hospital_discharge_datetime_offset De-identified time of survival to hospital discharge 2115-12-16 18:00:00
hospital_discharge_datetime_is_weekend Whether the hospital discharge is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) 0
death_cause Cause of patient’s death.
- sepsis
- MOF Multiple organ failure
- cardiac event
- respiratory event
- GI bleeding
- renal failure
- others
- unknown
death_datetime_offset De-identified time of patient death NaN
death_datetime_is_weekend Whether the patient death is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) NaN

Control group

The control group contains the ECGs of a set of patients who meet the following parameters:

  • Visited the emergency department on the same day as a case in the study group
  • Had an ECG on that day
  • Did not have a cardiac arrest

If the patient from this control group had an ECG prior to that day, that ECG would have the pre timetag. Only the last prior ECG is included in this dataset.

Control group ECG and cohort table

Name Data type Description Sample
patient_ngsci_id int Unique patient identifier 10001362
year str Year of ECG 2015
ecg_id str Unique ECG identifier cffcc4…
ecg_timetag str Time classification of ECG relative to index ED encounter:
pre: indicates an ECG taken prior to the control group event for a gien patient
control: indicates an ECG taken during ED encounter for a matched control group patient
acquisition_datetime_offset datetime De-identified ECG acquisition datetime 2126-03-10 23:13:00
acquisition_datetime_is_weekend int Whether the true ECG acquisition datetime is on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) 0
age str Age of patient 82
sex str Sex of patient male

ECG waveform tables and arrays

The ECGs are stored in NumPy arrays. There is a file for the study group and each year of the control group.

Waveform index for arrays

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
npy_index Index of ECG in numpy array 1

NumPy arrays for median waveform


All ECG waveforms (median)

Shape: ({number of ECGs}, 12, 600)

The order of the leads is: [‘I’, ‘II’, ‘III’, ‘aVR’, ‘aVL’, ‘aVF’, ‘V1’, ‘V2’, ‘V3’, ‘V4’, ‘V5’, ‘V6’]

NumPy arrays for rhythm waveform


All ECG waveforms (rhythm)

Shape: ({number of ECGs}, 12, 5000)

The order of the leads is: [‘I’, ‘II’, ‘III’, ‘aVR’, ‘aVL’, ‘aVF’, ‘V1’, ‘V2’, ‘V3’, ‘V4’, ‘V5’, ‘V6’]

Waveform attribute table

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
waveform_type Waveform type of ‘Median’ or ‘Rhythm’ Median
waveform_start_time Offset in buffer to beginning of waveform 0
number_of_leads Total number channels in the waveform excluding derive leads. For 12 lead, use 8. 8
sample_type All are continuous samples CONTINUOUS_SAMPLES
sample_base Sample Rate Base 500
sample_exponent Exponent value used in conjunction with the Sample Base value 0
highpass_filter High pass filter applied to data before it was received by MUSE (in Hertz) 0.32
lowpass_filter Low pass filter applied to data before it was received by MUSE (in Hertz) 150
ac_filter AC filter applied to data before it was received by MUSE (in Hertz) 60

ECG metadata

The ECGs were stored as XML files. The following tables contain the addition metadata that was stored in those files.

Amplitude measurements

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
amplitude_measurement_mode Modes used to measure amplitude in the Interval Editor. Values = {‘Raw’, ‘Median’} Raw
lead_id Lead ID. I
amplitude_measurement_wave_id Name of wavelet you are measuring. IE_R
amplitude_measurement_beat_id Beat ID 2
amplitude_measurement_peak Peak of the wavelet (in uV) 341
amplitude_measurement_start Start of wavelet in samples 228
amplitude_measurement_duration Wavelet duration (in msec) 48
amplitude_measurement_area Wavelet area (in uv*msec) 1642


Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
modality Type of test to which this diagnosis corresponds. RESTING
stmt_flag Indicates if statement is Deleted, User Defined, or the End of the Line. USERINSERT
stmt_text All diagnosis statements Abnormal ECG

Interval measurements

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier 1f02bb…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
lead_id Lead ID II
interval_measurement_beat_number The beat index of the beat in the ECG. The first beat is zero; present when IntervalMeasurementMode is set to Raw. 1
interval_measurement_beat_offset The offset in number of samples to the beginning ot this beat, present when IntervalMeasurementMode is set to Raw. 394
interval_measurement_p_onset The P Onset measurement for this beat and lead 150
interval_measurement_p_offset The P Offset measurement for this beat and lead 191
interval_measurement_q_onset The Q Onset measurement for this beat and lead 223
interval_measurement_q_offset The Q Offset measurement for this beat and lead 265
interval_measurement_t_offset The T Offset measurement for this beat and lead 407
interval_measurement_rr_interval The RR Interval for this beat and lead 718

Lead data

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
lead_byte_count_total Total uncompressed lead buffer size in bytes 1200
lead_time_offset Offset of lead in reference to the waveform (in milliseconds) 0
lead_sample_count_total Total number of samples in the lead buffer 600
lead_amplitude_units_per_bit A/D scaling factor (for ECG this value is the number of volts per A/D bit) 4.88
lead_amplitude_units A/D scaling factor units (for ECG, this is usually microvolts) MICROVOLTS
lead_high_limit High limit value for a single lead measurement 2147483647
lead_low_limit Low limit value for a single lead measurement 268435456
lead_id Specific lead identifier I
lead_offset_first_sample Offset within lead buffer of first value lead 0
first_sample_baseline Value indicating amount of baseline shift 0
lead_sample_size Size of individual data sample (in bytes) 2
lead_off Boolean value indicating the Lead is off False
baseline_sway Boolean value indicating that baseline sway is present in the data False
lead_data_crc32 32 bit CRC of uncoded and uncompressed raw signal data for the current lead 1044199846

Measurement matrix global

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
0 Always 36 (decimal), (the array size in bytes) 36
p_on P-wave onset in median beat (in samples) 0
p_off P-wave offset in median beat 0
q_on Q-Onset in median beat 228
q_off Q-Offset in median beat 291
t_on T-Onset in median beat 332
t_off T-Offset in median beat 417
n_qrs Number of QRS Complexes 15
qrs_dur QRS Duration 126
qt QT Interval 378
qtc QT Corrected 464
pr_interval PR Interval 0
v_rate Ventricular Rate 91
avg_rr Average R-R Interval 658
pad_14 Pad -1
pad_15 Pad -1
pad_16 Pad -1
17 (5312) Decimal Number of ColumnsNumber of Leads 636

Measurement matrix per lead bitflg

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
lead_id Specific lead identifier 0
measurement_id Id of per-lead measurement. Should all be 52 52
sample Byte string of raw sample value b’\x00\x00’
ttal Peak of T > ST measurement. TRUE if value is 2. 0
stdown ST Segment Depressed. TRUE if value is 4. 0
stelev ST Segment Elevated. TRUE if value is 8. 0
jelev J point Elevated by 100uV. TRUE if value is 16. 0
dltwv Delta-Wave Detected. TRUE if value is 32. 0
stinj ST Segment Elevated. TRUE if value is 64. 0
ppdeep P Prime Area was 1000uV*ms. TRUE if value is 128. 0
8 Empty bit 0

Measurement matrix per lead

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
lead_id Lead id where the leads are in the order [I, II, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, III, AVR, AVL, AVF]. NOTE: The leads array in .npy format have a different order and are specified above.
- 0 I
- 1 II
- 2 V1
- 3 V2
- 4 V3
- 5 V4
- 6 V5
- 7 V6
- 8 III
- 9 AVR
- 10 AVL
- 11 AVF
measurement_id Measurement id where:
- 0 PONA
- 1 PAMP
- 2 PDUR
- 3 bmPAR
- 4 bmPI
- 5 P’AMP
- 6 P’DUR
- 7 bmPPAR
- 8 bmPPI
- 9 QAMP
- 10 QDUR
- 11 bmQAR
- 12 bmQI
- 13 RAMP
- 14 RDUR
- 15 bmRAR
- 16 bmRI
- 17 SAMP
- 18 SDUR
- 19 bmSAR
- 20 bmSI
- 21 R’AMP
- 22 R’DUR
- 23 bmRPAR
- 24 bmRPI
-25 S’AMP
- 26 S’DUR
- 27 bmSPAR
- 28 bmSPI
- 29 STJ
- 30 STM
- 31 STE
- 32 MXSTA
- 33 MNSTA
- 34 SPTA
- 35 QRSA
- 37 MAXRA
- 38 MAXSA
- 39 TAMP
- 40 TDUR
- 41 bmTAR
- 42 bmTI
- 43 T’AMP
- 44 TPDUR
- 45 bmTPAR
- 46 bmTPI
- 47 TEND
- 48 PAREA
- 49 QRSAR
- 50 TAREA
sample Value corresponding to measurement_id. b’\x00\x00’
ttal Peak of T > ST measurement. TRUE if value is 2. 0
stdown ST Segment Depressed. TRUE if value is 4. 0
stelev ST Segment Elevated. TRUE if value is 8. 0
jelev J point Elevated by 100uV. TRUE if value is 16. 0
dltwv Delta-Wave Detected. TRUE if value is 32. 0
stinj ST Segment Elevated. TRUE if value is 64. 0
ppdeep P Prime Area was 1000uV*ms. TRUE if value is 128. 0
8 Empty bit 0

Measurement matrix per lead definitions

Name Description Sample
measurement_id Measurement ID for measurement-matrix-per-lead 0
abbreviation Abbreviation of measurement PONA
definition Definition of measurement P Wave amplitude at P-onset

Muse info

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
muse_version The version of MUSE system producing the XML 7.1.0

Original diagnosis

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
modality Type of test to which this diagnosis corresponds RESTING
stmt_flag Indicates if statement is Deleted, User Defined, or the End of the Line. USERINSERT
stmt_text Diagnosis statement text Abnormal ECG

Original resting ECG measurements

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
ventricular_rate Ventricular rate in BPM 91
atrial_rate Atrial rate (in BPM) 312
pr_interval P-R interval (in msec) NaN
qrs_duration QRS duration (in msec) 126
qt_interval QT interval (in msec) 378
qt_corrected Bazett’s Algorithm 464
p_axis P axis NaN
r_axis R axis 61
t_axis T axis -57
qrs_count QRS count 15
q_onset Q onset (median complex sample point) 228
q_offset Q offset (median complex sample point) 291
p_onset P onset (median complex sample point) NaN
p_offset P offset (median complex sample point) NaN
t_offset T offset (median complex sample point) 417
ecg_sample_base ECG sample rate base 500
ecg_sample_exponent ECG sample rate base exponent 0
qtc_frederica QT calculated with the Frederica Algorithm 464

Pharma data

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
pharma_rr_interval RR interval 658
pharma_unique_ecg_id Value assigned by cart to ECG SCD1037…
pharma_pp_interval PP interval 192
pharma_cart_id Value assigned by cart to ECG SCD1037…

QRS times types

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
global_rr The global mean R-R measurement 658
qtrggr Sample index of the QRS trigger from the start of the median 248

QRS times types QRS

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
number Number of this QRS 1
type The beat type number for this QRS as determined by analysis 0
time The sample index (zero based) of the beginning of this QRS complex, from the beginning of the waveform. 106

Resting ECG measurements

Name Description Sample
ecg_id Unique ECG identifier c8f47f…
year Year of ECG 2011-14
ventricular_rate Ventricular rate in BPM 91
atrial_rate Atrial rate (in BPM) 312
pr_interval P-R interval (in msec) NaN
qrs_duration QRS duration (in msec) 126
qt_interval QT interval (in msec) 378
qt_corrected Bazett’s Algorithm 464
p_axis P axis NaN
r_axis R axis 61
t_axis T axis -57
qrs_count QRS count 15
q_onset Q onset (median complex sample point) 228
q_offset Q offset (median complex sample point) 291
p_onset P onset (median complex sample point) NaN
p_offset P offset (median complex sample point) NaN
t_offset T offset (median complex sample point) 417
ecg_sample_base ECG sample rate base 500
ecg_sample_exponent ECG sample rate base exponent 0
qtc_frederica QT calculated with the Frederica Algorithm 434

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